Hypatia celebrates its 20th anniversary
The 11th of October, Hypatia commemorated its 20th anniversary at its workshop. The company celebrated its 20 years of history in one of its best moments.

Anchor Lamina presented its new milling machine FOX-M during its Open House
Correa milling machine FOX-M presentation was one of the highlights in the Open House 2017 of the German company Anchor Lamina.

Reception of a milling machine NORMA-L
On 11 July, a Correa Norma-L floor type milling machine was delivered to the Nicolás Correa Group company GNC Hypatia.

Nicolás Correa 2017 Open Day
On 13 June, Nicolás Correa S.A. opened its doors to over 200 customers from all over the world.

Correa FOX 40 machine Run-off
Successful run-off of a Correa FOX 40 bridge type milling machine by our Chinese customer CHANGZHOU NEW WINPOWER.

Correa Xperta 20 machine run-off
Successful run-off of an XPERTA 20 bed type machine for the French customer CMI at the Nicolás Correa Group subsidiary GNC Hypatia.