First day at Industrie in Paris
Correa Group exhibits a NORMA-45 milling machine at the Industrie exhibition

Next Thursday 19th of May, our CEO Carmen Pinto will receive the FAE 2022 award.
Next Thursday 19th of May, our CEO Carmen Pinto will receive the FAE 2022 award as the best Manager of the year. We are very proud and happy for such a great recognition.

President of the Correa Group awarded the AFM Gold Insignia
Mr. José Nicolás-Correa, President of the Correa Group, receives the AFM Gold Insignia.

Correa Open House 2022
Nicolás Correa has held an Open House for its customers and suppliers from all over the world.

Nicolás Correa celebrates its 75th anniversary
The company celebrates its 75th anniversary highlighting its vocation for research and product customisation as the backbone and differentiators of its activity throughout its history.

Nicolás Correa wins iF Design Award 2022
Correa´s new range of front heads has won the iF Design Award.