The first meeting of the consortium to present the results of the MHaya project was held at the headquarters of the Correa Group in Burgos.

About the MHaya project:
Last December, the Centre for Industrial and Technological Development (CDTI) awarded the consortium of companies led by Nicolás Correa S.A. a grant of 4.5 million euros for the development of the MHAYA project. This project aims to transform current machine tools into intelligent and autonomous production centres capable of self-adapting to the changing conditions of production processes and environments. In this way, the aim is to make a qualitative leap in the levels of intelligence of these machines, as well as in their adaptability to the operator and the rest of the production environment.
The new generation of machines coming out of this project will have the ability to learn from previous experiences (better machining strategies, cutting conditions that damage the part or degrade the tool, etc.). As well as learning, they will be capable of self-programming, modifying their operating conditions to increase their productivity while ensuring the required quality of the final product and avoiding the degradation of their critical components. In the event of unforeseen situations, such as tool breakage, they will be able to act autonomously to prevent further damage. And these actions will not be carried out independently, but will be part of a collective intelligence in the company, communicating with other machines and with those responsible for the different stages of the production process.
This project is part of the Industry 5.0 guidelines that are currently making their way in Europe. Industry 5.0 has its roots in the Industry 4.0 concept developed in the first two decades of this century (highly sensorised machines, with an initial intelligence and connection to the cloud to simulate processes and transfer data), but offering a broader approach that includes human agency, sustainability and resilience. It aims at responsible innovation, not only or primarily aimed at increasing profitability or maximising profits, but also at increasing prosperity for all involved: investors, workers, consumers, society and the environment. Industry 5.0 recognises the power of industry to achieve social goals beyond jobs and growth to become a resilient provider of prosperity, making production respect the limits of our planet and placing the well-being of the industry worker at the centre of the production process.
To realise this ambitious strategic vision, the MHAYA project is made up of seven machine tool manufacturers (Nicolás Correa, Arisa, Danobat, Ibarmia, MTorres, Ona and Zayer). All of them are international leaders in machining, grinding, non-conventional processes and deformation solutions, with export ratios of over 90%, and are joined by ATS-Global, a leading provider of software solutions for intelligent digital transformation. The leading role in this project is played by the Burgalesa company Nicolás Correa, which is accompanied by the Tecnalia Foundation and the University of Burgos as technology providers. The total budget of the project amounts to €6,744,249 million and the project will run from 2022-2025.