The Correa Group ends Fiscal Year 2022 with record sales and profits, with a turnover of 98.2 million euros, 28% more than in 2021, and a net profit of 9.2 million euros, 61% higher than in the previous year.

- The Group from Burgos has managed to offset the impact of inflation on its income statement with the increase in volume, achieving an EBITDA of 10.9 million euros and a pre-tax profit of 10.3 million euros, 47% more than in 2021.
- The Board of Directors will propose for approval at the General Shareholders´ Meeting the payment of a dividend of EUR 0.23 per share, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year.
- The order backlog for the Correa Group at 31 December 2022 amounts to 93.9 million euros. This backlog figure means that the Correa Group will have almost full production capacity for financial year 2023, and will even have orders for financial year 2024.